Friday 24 February 2012

The rest of Malaysia and Singapore Part I

The best weather possible hit KL on our second night.. twas spendid!.. serious-no sarcasm there

The new tallest buildings in Malaysia, the Petronus Twin Towers
packed to the brim? i think not.. wait till you see what rush-hour's like!.. i couldn't even raise my camera during rush-hour to take a photo!

YUP! i think someone does need energy!!
the indian movie stores that Uncle Grape would LOVE!

We decided it would be a good and humane thing to let these fish survive and the only way was for them to eat us.. so we let them eat our feet:

PENANG-the town of motorbikes, rickshaws, fantastic cheap Indian food, and CHOESANG!

 50 CENTS for curry and rice!
or $2.50 for chicken tikka, curry, rice, and a splendid mango juice!

this isn't Choesang, but I will post a photo of him in part II

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