Tuesday, 31 January 2012

About the beginning, written at the end of an extraordinary exploration.

 Our one day in Singapore, while walking around the deserted streets of a ruralish area of Singapore, these birds, which I later discovered were absolutely everywhere in Malaysia, were for sale. Beautiful birds.

 All over these parts one can find canteens like this one- sweaty, flushed men cooking MSG rich foods-Delicious!
                                          I sneaked a photo of this guy because I thought he was dressed unintentionally very flamboyantly... Turns out he was doing it on purpose as evidence by my next photo which he made me take after he caught me sneaking the first photo of him:
 Notice the purposefully rolled up shirt as to expose the bellybutton, as well as the stance. I'm not sure what made him want me to take a  photo of his flabby belly, but no matter in retrospect it was a comical situation.
 these people were throwing pieces of paper into a pile of burning rubble.. not sure why they were doing this, but it was fascinating.

 This toothless man probably couldn't even chew the chillies he was peeling. But he was very happy doing it.

 Cookin' up a storm at a hawker.. nice lady :)
 Hawker markets definitely have some of the best food around for people on a budget. With a drink, this came to 3 CAD!

Viewers, this is a just the beginning of a trend that I like to call "people eating watching". Its a variation on "people watching" with the addition of "eating", and the next few posts will include quite a few of these interesting eaters... Enjoy the progression:
 Sorry i didn't get a pic of him finally swallowing this noodle, it took him quite a bit of time to get the whole string in his mouth...


                                                                                     i totally agree... also, THAT KURN IS TIGHT!!!

 The hostel called "Back Home" was accurately named as this place was 10 times as nice as my apartment in Hong Kong. Polished concrete, brick walls, a covered yet bright courtyard, hardwood floors, it was truly a work of art in my opinion-I was happy the owner had not turned this place into a boutique hotel and kept it as a hostel- I'm sure he/she could make more money if they did that, this place was truly "Back Home".

The market near where we staying in Little India (in Kuala Lumpur). It was bustling and filled with fake designer sunglasses, watches, shoes and shirts.. it also had roasted chestnuts!

 AND a ROASTER of chestnuts who was willing to put his hand into the roaster just for a good pic! :D

No words can describe what I think of this shot, or how this makes me feel.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Some Special Someones Stop by

UNCLE GRAPE, and... SARA!!!!
The novelty of these places just still hasn't worn off...

 I have no idea
Any ideas what this is??

 Nice stomach churning Macro shot

More markets..

Tons of love! It was lovely seeing these two in what I think I might start calling "My Town"

Monday, 16 January 2012

A Night at the Races

 this place is immense, and a flood-lit haven for ex-patriots as well as old chinese gambling addicts
 I find taking shots in such under such strange lighting conditions difficult.. if anyone has any suggestions, let me know..
 the beer tents, and another over exposed shot...
 there go the horses!
 I think the guy that came 3rd was my horse, i won 40HKD :D

Cool shot from Wan Chai outside a club/bar. It was one of the first nights since I'd arrived and didn't want to stay inside, so chilling outside taking photos was always an option.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Day 2-4

The view from my apartment/rez room
 I like the security Guard alot, i pass him everyday, and he seems nice.. this chubs on the scooter was funny looking so i figured i'd take a photo of the two of them..
 I hope i can turn out like this champ after being schooled at HKU :)
 The older people in Hong Kong are some of the most lovely people, and to tell the truth, i just love taking photos of them- they've got so much personality just in their image!
 Literally all around the city one can find shops like this, some dirtier, some cleaner, some with more heads hanging, and some with more random unknown meats-if i start cooking I will make a point of just picking something that looks weird from one of these places to cook.
 I got Riley to pose so that I could take a photo of this elderly Asian man. I like him, he seems nice.
 Inside the MTR (the HK metro) this isn't even at a busy time.. it can get CRAZY in there.
GONG CHA!!.. what does that mean?.. anyone? cha=tea..? maybe like chai=tea..?
 Ofcourse, I HAD to document my first bubble tea of this trip, and here it was: in Wan Chai. I got a passion fruit green tea with perr. pretty good!- although i'm not sure if it could stand up to the likes of Dragon Barr...
 Also from the bubble tea place, the lady in front of me ordered it, and when i asked what it was, she ordered me a cup and then left. I was stuck with these, and the bill to pay (for the ones she'd ordered for me) and i'm glad i was, because these things were delicious!
 Not even one of the cooler markets, but i thought it was a nice shot.
 The people like this guy are what make HK so amazing. Thank you Mister for looking at me as i shot this.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Soo.. i think this might just turn into a photos, captions, and comments blog....

The first photo I took in HK, i feel like it is testament of the fact that the Chinese Gov't cares about what its cities look like-a good thing.
In the cab ride from Central Station to my residence, it was  nice to know that that worse comes to worse, i could find comfort in my good friend, Ronald McDonald and his McDouble....I've already been (on the 3rd day)