Saturday, 14 January 2012

Soo.. i think this might just turn into a photos, captions, and comments blog....

The first photo I took in HK, i feel like it is testament of the fact that the Chinese Gov't cares about what its cities look like-a good thing.
In the cab ride from Central Station to my residence, it was  nice to know that that worse comes to worse, i could find comfort in my good friend, Ronald McDonald and his McDouble....I've already been (on the 3rd day)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rumi,
    I like very much the recording in photos of your first impressions and feelings of your encounter with planet HK-2102. Another word to discover hein! The photos are beautiful. You are now in the process to find you own style so when taken the photos think about creating your own signature either by selecting an angle of shooting the photos, the lighting, etc. If you want to master the light, then you need to look at lens with aperture 1:1.4 for photos taken at nighttime and not using the flash
    Good work
    Take care
