Monday, 16 January 2012

A Night at the Races

 this place is immense, and a flood-lit haven for ex-patriots as well as old chinese gambling addicts
 I find taking shots in such under such strange lighting conditions difficult.. if anyone has any suggestions, let me know..
 the beer tents, and another over exposed shot...
 there go the horses!
 I think the guy that came 3rd was my horse, i won 40HKD :D

Cool shot from Wan Chai outside a club/bar. It was one of the first nights since I'd arrived and didn't want to stay inside, so chilling outside taking photos was always an option.


  1. Love the idea of this blog... thanks for sharing ur experiences! Totally want to visit now!
    p.s. still stuck in France.. med just left this morning.

  2. Thanks Nush! i hope you get out of France too, and that everything gets sorted! I'll have to skype you all when you're back in Vancouver! let me know!

  3. happy valley racecourse. waddup
